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Crisis Intervention

parents comforting teen while sitting on park bench on sunny day during crisis interventionIf you’re a parent or guardian of a teen struggling with mental health, you know how challenging it can be to find the proper support and resources. At Imagine Denver, we specialize in teen mental health treatment programs and crisis intervention services. Our team is dedicated to guiding families through difficult times and helping teens achieve lasting mental wellness.

If you or a loved one is searching for mental health support, it’s essential to understand the different types of treatment options available. Our team is ready to work with you and your teen to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their unique needs.

Call 888.482.0860 today to learn more about our specialized services, including teen crisis intervention, and begin the journey toward healing.

What Is Crisis Intervention?

Crisis intervention is a short-term and goal-oriented approach to support individuals who are experiencing an emotional or mental crisis. This type of intervention is often used when someone is in immediate danger or experiencing severe distress.

At Imagine Denver, we understand that teens may experience crises that require immediate attention. Our crisis intervention services are designed to address issues such as suicidal ideation, self-harm, and severe anxiety or depression, as well as other mental health concerns.

How Imagine Denver Can Help

Our teen intervention services are available to all adolescent mental health treatment program patients. We understand that every situation is unique, so we provide personalized care to ensure each teen receives the support they need.

Our team of mental health professionals is trained in crisis management and intervention techniques. We will work closely with your teen to understand their needs and develop a crisis plan to guide their care. We aim to help your teen feel supported, safe, and empowered to manage their mental health.

Our Teen Crisis Intervention Services

At Imagine Denver, we offer various crisis intervention services to support your teen’s mental health. These services include:

  • Individual therapy – Our licensed therapists provide one-on-one counseling to help teens manage their emotions and develop coping strategies.
  • Group therapy – We offer sessions to help teens connect with peers experiencing similar challenges.
  • Family therapy – We involve the entire family in healing to promote communication, understanding, and support.
  • Medication management – Our medical team works closely with teens to develop a personalized medication plan that supports their mental health.
  • Trauma-informed care – We understand that teens may have experienced trauma in their lives, which can impact their mental health. Our trauma-informed care approach ensures a safe and supportive environment for all teens.

We also work with schools to ensure that your teen’s mental health needs, including accommodations and support services, are met in the classroom. We aim to provide comprehensive care for your teen during and after a crisis, promoting long-term mental wellness.

Why Choose Imagine Denver?

At Imagine Denver, we are committed to providing compassionate and effective mental health treatment for teens. We understand that crises can be overwhelming, so we prioritize safety and support in all we do.

Our team of mental health professionals has extensive experience working with teens and their families. We provide evidence-based treatment that takes into account each teen’s unique needs. Additionally, our crisis intervention services are available 24/7 to ensure that your teen receives the support they need when they need it most.

Contact Imagine Denver Today for Crisis Intervention

If your teen is experiencing a crisis or struggling with their mental health, we are here to help. Our crisis intervention services are designed to support teens’ mental wellness journey. Contact us today at 888.482.0860 or online to learn more about our teen intervention services and how we can help your family.